As many of you are aware, in May of each year, Intuit officially ‘sunsets’ the older versions of QuickBooks software. What does this mean and how does it affect you?
Each of our clients are different – some are dedicated to upgrading their QuickBooks software annually as the new releases are made available, some buy the product once and never upgrade (don’t fix what isn’t broken!), and some choose to upgrade periodically as new features interest them.
Going many, many years back, Intuit’s policy has been to support the most current 3 versions of each of their software products. In May of each year, they discontinue support of the oldest version. This May 31st, support will be discontinued for QuickBooks 2010, QuickBooks Enterprise v10, and QuickBooks Point of Sale v9. The sunsetting of these versions not only affects your ability to receive technical support, but it will also affect add-on services that you may be using with QuickBooks. Services such as Payroll, Credit card processing, QuickBooks Email, Online Banking, and others will no longer continue to work with these versions of QuickBooks.
If you have questions about the sunset and whether you will be affected, or are interested in upgrading to the current version, please reach out to us at (410) 709-1456!